Sunday, February 24, 2013

Making peace with the laundry room

When I moved here I discovered the laundry room. It’s one of those things I thought it only existed in movies. I have to get out of my house to wash clothes? It didn’t make any sense to me.
The first time I used it, it was tragic. This little annoying man walked into the room accusing me of stealing his money and misplacing his clothes. He was also offended by the fact the he hadn’t been informed of the fact that I was living in the building.
I fought back: ‘If somebody gets a girlfriend in the building do they have to inform you?’ I managed to shut him up. I walked out of the room in a complete rage, but also secretly proud of my answer.
Today I adventured in the laundry room for the second time and I was a little nervous. This handsome, kind man had replaced the nasty little man. He removed his clothes from the washing machine to make room for mine; he loved London and smiled a lot.
I guess some things are getting better. 


  1. Grande Doni!!! questa cosa mi ricorda quando hai risposto giustamente a tono a quelli del call center per il taxi a Londra ti ricordi che ridere sei la numero UNo. tvttb
